Counsellor Awards

Counsellor Conference and Awards (CCA)
Counselor Awards honoring outstanding individuals who are shaping the future of counseling!

Meet the leaders whose innovative approaches & determined efforts are pushing the industry forward.
The purpose of these awards is to honor and celebrate excellence in the field of counseling.

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We are Excited to Announce
Our EIA Awards honoring outstanding individuals who are shaping the future of counseling!

Counsellor Conference and Awards (CCA) is held in the Dubai City to bring together epresentatives for a collaborative dialogue on issues that prompt solutions in counseling practices. The conference features breakout sessions and networking opportunities for leaders, counselors, organizations to learn, connect, and build relationships.

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Mumbai (INDIA)

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Why Counsellors’ awards?

We want to celebrate counsellors. We feel that it is important to celebrate the varied and wonderful work that we do and to recognise our achievements within the counselling profession, as many other professions already do, at their own unique awards ceremonies. Celebrating counsellors matters because we are highly qualified and skilled professionals who work out of the public eye, making huge differences in peoples lives. We believe that counsellors are people who give their time to helping others, often holding up communities and failing statutory services, and without the recognition they so often deserve.
Counsellor’s awards were created for counselors, by counselors to recognize individuals who exemplify professional excellence in counseling and whose contributions have significantly helped to expand access to mental health services, strengthen the profession, and promote equity in health and education, advancing counseling and counselors domestically and globally.

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